Semantic Architecture of the Bit : the Topological Relativist Configuration of Bits in the Information as a Measure of the Trimatriciality of the Diachronic Syllogistic Structures in Hyper-Cartesian Spaces
p. 341-352
Norbert Wiener and Claude Shannon argued that the signal (communication) and the perturbations can be described only in terms of probability's theory as elements of some determined ensembles. The theory of information analyses all events from the point of view of the probability of their happening. Events can be in different states and each state can appear with a certain probabilitv. The author has designate as structural-diachronic cell the minimal tri-objectual, tri-relational, quadri propertitional ensemble expressed mathematically as a set of three minimal sets. The BIT representing the elementary unit of measure of the information, wve will associate it as a measure of the structural-diachronic cell. The non-Shannon phenomenological analysis of the measure unit of the information, in a Aristotelic-Liebnitzian demonstrates that the bit has by excellence a relational character, respectirely a semantic architecture. Two examples are given in order to presenting the method, one for form recognition and the second for the problem of the urn with 8 balls of different colours. By an innovative approach of the concept of information, the conception of inferential engines to be used in the knowledge basis of an UNIVERSAL EXPERT SYSTEM.
Bibliographical reference
Ion I. Miriță, « Semantic Architecture of the Bit : the Topological Relativist Configuration of Bits in the Information as a Measure of the Trimatriciality of the Diachronic Syllogistic Structures in Hyper-Cartesian Spaces », CASYS, 2 | 1998, 341-352.
Electronic reference
Ion I. Miriță, « Semantic Architecture of the Bit : the Topological Relativist Configuration of Bits in the Information as a Measure of the Trimatriciality of the Diachronic Syllogistic Structures in Hyper-Cartesian Spaces », CASYS [Online], 2 | 1998, Online since 28 June 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Ion I. Miriță
Ph.D. University of Petrosani str. Institutului nr 20, 2675 Petrosani Romania