Transgenetic Cybernetics Regarding the Nucleic Acids DNA and RNA Assimilated to Cybernetic Systems with Automatic Self-organization

p. 339-351


The capacity of the carbon atom to generate linear, branched and cyclic chains by linking with other carbon atoms, enables the human brain's natural neuronal networks to materialize, with living structures, the fundamental computing algorithmic structures sequence, selection and iteration in the artificial neuronal networks of artificial intelligence. The nucleic acids DNA and RNA consist of structural units called nucleotides, which contain a purinic or pyrimidine base having the shape of a double heterocycle or a base with the shape of a heterocycle. Analyzing the structure of the bases having the shape of a heterocycle or double heterocycle, the geometric symmetry of the double links made of a σ link and a π link can be noticed. Setting out from F. Schrödinger's wave equation we use the function of orbital wave ψ or orbital. In practical models, the orbitals are considered to be bounded by surfaces of the same electronic density, and within these bounds there may occur a high electron density which accounts for the particular shape of the orbitals in the modeling representation. In our paper, the nucleic acids DNA and RNA are assimilated to cybernetic systems with automatic self-organization, by the electrons transition owing to some external actions to the orbitals geometrical shape and their distribution in space.


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Bibliographical reference

Ion I. Miriță and Petre Mirita, « Transgenetic Cybernetics Regarding the Nucleic Acids DNA and RNA Assimilated to Cybernetic Systems with Automatic Self-organization », CASYS, 10 | 2001, 339-351.

Electronic reference

Ion I. Miriță and Petre Mirita, « Transgenetic Cybernetics Regarding the Nucleic Acids DNA and RNA Assimilated to Cybernetic Systems with Automatic Self-organization », CASYS [Online], 10 | 2001, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :


Ion I. Miriță

University of Petrosani, Str. Universitatii nr. Petrosani, Romania

By this author

Petre Mirita

University of Petrosani, Str. Universitatii nr. Petrosani, Romania


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