Complexity Dynamics Shaping Life

p. 131-144


Science attempts to understand life systems. While physical systems are signified by status, life systems are evidenced by function and organ. As anticipatory systems their behaviour relies on embodied memories of their past and probable future. Complexity and semiosis act as drivers of evolution; anticipation as constituting principle of life systems. Complexity implies unfolding and re-enfolding guiding differentiation and growth. Semiosis generates intent and meaning ensuring viable simplicity. Interacting, they open potentiality and fields of probability for development. The dynamic entailment of complexity and meaning structures all life systems up to mental constructs. - An overarching concept embraces the pattems of life. It sheds light on the fundamental changes concerning life conditions in society and ecology.


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Bibliographical reference

Hellmut Karl Loeckenhoff, « Complexity Dynamics Shaping Life », CASYS, 30 | 2014, 131-144.

Electronic reference

Hellmut Karl Loeckenhoff, « Complexity Dynamics Shaping Life », CASYS [Online], 30 | 2014, Online since 17 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Hellmut Karl Loeckenhoff

Independent Research

By this author


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