Transdisciplinarity : Towards Anticipatory Models of Evolutionary Learning ?
p. 312-325
What will Happen in Case, and Why ? How will future development turn out? In pursue of well founded rational answers by anticipating, science explores the behavior and emergence of complex systems. To understand them pragmatically, object- and issue related, transdisciplinary co-operation is challenged. To this end recently the need for transdisciplinary models and semantics is stressed. Transdisciplinarity inquires into the shared base of disciplines. Systemics and Evolution approach in particular qualify as (also ontological) bases.
Bibliographical reference
Hellmut Karl Loeckenhoff, « Transdisciplinarity : Towards Anticipatory Models of Evolutionary Learning ? », CASYS, 17 | 2006, 312-325.
Electronic reference
Hellmut Karl Loeckenhoff, « Transdisciplinarity : Towards Anticipatory Models of Evolutionary Learning ? », CASYS [Online], 17 | 2006, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Hellmut Karl Loeckenhoff
Research Consulting