Appreciating the Anticipation of Citizenship Expertise
p. 32-44
Taking notice of Atlan's definition of appreciation of anticipation, it will be argued that the appreciation of anticipation with regard to have-not people takes place exactly at the interface of the local systemic dimensions of citizenship expertise, i.e. expertise that contributes to the dynamical development of becoming a citizen, and the ideal environment of citizenship expertise, which amounts to the adherence to a viewpoint in which the notion of citizenship has to remain encapsulated by the boundaries of rather static - juridical, political, economical and social - formalities and rules, these dynamical citizenship experts are confronted with. In order to make this interface intelligible, the conditions under which community ideals (policy) and group ideals (civility) become possible, need to be revealed from an engaged position that allows for questioning and exploring what it means to be a citizenship expert.
Bibliographical reference
Franc Rottiers, « Appreciating the Anticipation of Citizenship Expertise », CASYS, 23 | 2010, 32-44.
Electronic reference
Franc Rottiers, « Appreciating the Anticipation of Citizenship Expertise », CASYS [Online], 23 | 2010, Online since 14 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Franc Rottiers
Centre for Critical Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2 (210), B-9000 Ghent, Belgium ; Centre for Intercultural Communication and Interaction, Rozier 44, B-9000 Ghent