To Anticipate Color : A Visual Resistance Phenomenon ?

p. 162-173


The purpose of this article is to explore the idea that experiential colour, i.e. colour as it appears for an observer, functions as a co-constitutive interface of the complex living system. It will be shown that, in order to render this idea intelligible, a new kind of metaphysical perspective is needed. This 'new' metaphysical perspective challenges the metaphysical stance that subscribes, from the viewpoint of a 'participating' observer, to the necessity of the question and the possibility of the answer. In this article, a metaphysical perspective will be proposed that argues, from the viewpoint of a 'contributing' observer, for the necessity of the answer and the possibility of the question. This allows for the possibility (i) to put forward complexity as a necessary answer, (ii) to claim a place for experiential sensoriality that functions as co-constitutive interfaces of the complex living system, and (iii) to secure a place where the philosophical question, or any other question for that matter, can bestow an informative contribution to the answer 'complexity'.


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Bibliographical reference

Franc Rottiers, « To Anticipate Color : A Visual Resistance Phenomenon ? », CASYS, 21 | 2008, 162-173.

Electronic reference

Franc Rottiers, « To Anticipate Color : A Visual Resistance Phenomenon ? », CASYS [Online], 21 | 2008, Online since 29 August 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Franc Rottiers

Centre for Critical Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and Moral Science, Ghent University, Blandijnberg 2 (room 210), 9000 Ghent (Belgium)

By this author


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