Spectroscopy of consciousness

p. 392-405


TGD based quantum measurement theory predicts that each quantum jump involves a localization in zero modes giving rise to ordinary quantum measurement followed by a state preparation by self measurements leading to an unentangled product state. The sequence of quantum jumps defines a statistical ensemble and this suggests strongly a connection between the theory of qualia and thermodynamics. Sensory qualia can be divided to purely geometric ones represented by the average increments of zero modes (quantum measurement) and to non-geometric ones represented by average increments of quantum numbers (state preparation). Emotional qualia can be assigned to the entropic gradients associated with quantum jump sequence. The hypothesis about manysheeted ionic flow equilibrium involving superconducting magnetic flux tubes explains the strange effects of ELF em fields on living matter and the observations challenging the notions of ionic pumps and channels. Together with the padic length scale hypothesis it leads to the notion of spectroscopy of consciousiness explaining the resonance frequencies of EEG and correlating EEG bands and brain structures with the structure of the periodic table.


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Bibliographical reference

Matti Pitkänen, « Spectroscopy of consciousness », CASYS, 13 | 2002, 392-405.

Electronic reference

Matti Pitkänen, « Spectroscopy of consciousness », CASYS [Online], 13 | 2002, Online since 14 October 2024, connection on 13 November 2024. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=4563


Matti Pitkänen

Department of physical sciences, High energy physics division, University of Helsinki, Finland

By this author


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