Biosystems as Macroscopic Quantum Systems

p. 368-381


Macroscopic quantum phases are an absolutely essential element of most quantum consciousness theories and topological geometrodynamics (TGD) is not an exception in this respect. TGD based theory of consciousness relies crucially on the notion of self hierarchy whose geometrical correlate is the hierarchy of spacetime sheets realized as a 4-surface in certain 8-dimensional space. The notion of manysheeted spacetime predicts new types of macroscopic quantum phases but the lack of direct experimental evidence for the macroscopic quantum phases has been stumbling block for more detailed developments. The crucial empirical ingredient turned out to be the observations about the effects of ELF electromagnetic fields on brain. The largest effects are obtained at odd multiples of cyclotron frequencies of various biologically important ions like Ca++ in Earth's magnetic field. Also amplitude modulation of RF and MW fields by these frequencies has effects. This leads to a surprising conclusion in violent conflict with standard physics view about world: magnetically confined states of ions in Earth's magnetic field having minimal size of order cell size and energy scale of order E-14 eV are in question. The notion of manysheeted spacetime indeed allows these states: various ions are 'dropped' to cellular spacetime sheets where the thermal noise is absent so that the ions nm form superconducting macroscopic quantum phases. The model suggests what might be called spectroscopy of consciousness allowing to identify important EEG frequencies as correlates of various primary sensory qualia and EEG patterns as correlates of emotions.


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Bibliographical reference

Matti Pitkänen, « Biosystems as Macroscopic Quantum Systems », CASYS, 10 | 2001, 368-381.

Electronic reference

Matti Pitkänen, « Biosystems as Macroscopic Quantum Systems », CASYS [Online], 10 | 2001, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Matti Pitkänen

Dept. of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

By this author


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