Semantic Segmentation of Hypertext on the Basis of Automata Model
p. 109-118
This article is about website optimization on the basis of semantic segmentation of its hypertext pages. Automata model for hypertext is introduced to describe hypertext organization of website. According to this model states of automaton correspond to hypertext pages and transitions correspond to hypertext links. Then the algorithm of segmentation for hypertext pages based on calculating automata congruences/tolerances is offered. The segmentation is produced by partitioning of states for some congruence or covering of states for some tolerance. The algorithm work under consideration of degrees for hyperlinks and pages, assigned during statistic supervision for website. To achieve appropriative result the initial automaton is consequently modified by decreasing its connectedness.
Bibliographical reference
Alexander A. Sytnik and Sergey V. Papshev, « Semantic Segmentation of Hypertext on the Basis of Automata Model », CASYS, 28 | 2014, 109-118.
Electronic reference
Alexander A. Sytnik and Sergey V. Papshev, « Semantic Segmentation of Hypertext on the Basis of Automata Model », CASYS [Online], 28 | 2014, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :
Alexander A. Sytnik
Head of the chair of information systems and technologies. 77, Politehnicheskaya St., Saratov State Technical University, Saratov, Russia, 410054
Sergey V. Papshev
Associated professor of the chair of information systems and technologies. 77, Politehnicheskaya St., Saratov State Technical University, Saratov, Russia, 410054