The Decision of a Goal-Directed Behavior Problem in a Class of Systems Described by one-to-one Transformations
p. 120-126
In the Theory of Systems attention is traditionally directed to the problems of control, diagnostics and correction of complex systems behavior. At present a devices and technologies are very complicate and the problem of generating goal-directed behavior is one of prior.
In the general case (that is, for an arbitrary complex system) the problem of generating goal-directed behavior is algorithmically insoluble, but it can be solved by imposing certain restrictions on the system behavior. Approach to a decision of referred above problem in class of intellectual systems described by one-to-one transformations (without loss of information) is offered in this scientific work.
Bibliographical reference
Alexander A. Sytnik and N. S. Vagarina, « The Decision of a Goal-Directed Behavior Problem in a Class of Systems Described by one-to-one Transformations », CASYS, 18 | 2006, 120-126.
Electronic reference
Alexander A. Sytnik and N. S. Vagarina, « The Decision of a Goal-Directed Behavior Problem in a Class of Systems Described by one-to-one Transformations », CASYS [Online], 18 | 2006, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Alexander A. Sytnik
State Socio-Economic University, Radischeva Str. 89., Saratov, 410000, Russia
N. S. Vagarina
State Socio-Economic University, Radischeva Str. 89., Saratov, 410000, Russia