Cybernetic Machines, Past, Present, Future. How my Thinking has been Shaped!
p. 279-293
At the end of the last century, Planck opened the door onto the quantum mechanical world. Yet, ever since, despite enormous advances, science has resisted the precept implicit in the quantum mechanical formalism now increasingly confirmed by the experimental evidence, that reality is fundamentally non-local and reducible only locally to the classical Newtonian understanding that subsumed science before Planck's discovery. Even now such advanced ideas for the unification of physics such as string theory begin by quantizing an essentially classical model. Yet the expanding science and emerging technology of quantum cybernetics and information processing will, I am now convinced, change this. In particular, quantum holography/holochory offers such quantum non-local modelling such as quantum neural information processing or the completion began by Einstein, for Riemann's programme for the geometrization of physics, where the local classical models emerge as invariants. It is not therefore that neural networking or Einstein's general relativity are wrong, but that they are of limited application to modelling the reality in which we live, and that quantum models offer a new category of explanatory power, as this paper attempts to demonstrate, the breadth of which has yet to be fully appreciated.
Bibliographical reference
Peter Marcer, « Hypercomputation », CASYS, 7 | 2000, 279-293.
Electronic reference
Peter Marcer, « Hypercomputation », CASYS [Online], 7 | 2000, Online since 26 September 2024, connection on 14 November 2024. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=3688
Peter Marcer
53 Old Vicarage Green, Keynsham, BS31 2DH, UK