The New Concept of Deterministic Anticipation in Natural and Artificial Systems

p. 3-15


This paper presents the new concept of Deterministic Anticipation which is related to the hyperincursive discrete harmonic oscillator, as an example. The hyperincursive discrete oscillator is, in this case, a pure recursive system which is a deterministic system that is separable into two incursive discrete harmonic oscillators which are characterized by a deterministic anticipation.


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Bibliographical reference

Daniel M. Dubois, « The New Concept of Deterministic Anticipation in Natural and Artificial Systems », CASYS, 26 | 2014, 3-15.

Electronic reference

Daniel M. Dubois, « The New Concept of Deterministic Anticipation in Natural and Artificial Systems », CASYS [Online], 26 | 2014, Online since 13 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Daniel M. Dubois

Centre for Hyperincursion and Anticipation in Ordered Systems (CHAOS), CHAOS ASBL, Institute of Mathematics B37, University of Liège, Grande Traverse 12, B-4000 Liège 1, Belgium

By this author


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