Simulations of Highly Complex Social Systems as a Tool for Designing Information Systems

p. 286-298


When designing information systems, it would be good to be able to compare alternatives. However, information systems are complex phenomena as they encompass the humans involved in distributing the information. One possible way of making comparisons would be through simulation. Having constructed a prototype for such a simulation we have seen that the traditional approaches, such as Cellular Automata utilized within the social simulations field are usable but not sufficient. However, the newer agent-based approaches show more promise. We conclude that in order to make simulations of our kind possible, the new technologies, such as multi-agant systems, need be adapted and extended. One of the pieces missing is an agent-based infrastructure building on anticipatory principles for agent information behavior.


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Bibliographical reference

Viveca Asproth, Joel Palmius and Gunilla Egonsdotter, « Simulations of Highly Complex Social Systems as a Tool for Designing Information Systems », CASYS, 14 | 2004, 286-298.

Electronic reference

Viveca Asproth, Joel Palmius and Gunilla Egonsdotter, « Simulations of Highly Complex Social Systems as a Tool for Designing Information Systems », CASYS [Online], 14 | 2004, Online since 30 August 2024, connection on 20 September 2024. URL :


Viveca Asproth

Departrment of Information Technology and Media Mid Sweden University, 5-83125 Östersund, Sweden

By this author

Joel Palmius

Departrment of Information Technology and Media Mid Sweden University, 5-83125 Östersund, Sweden

Gunilla Egonsdotter

Departrment of Information Technology and Media Mid Sweden University, 5-83125 Östersund, Sweden


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