Object-Oriented System Analysis of Anticipatory Systems in Weak Sense

p. 271-285


The authors implemented simulation models of anticipatory systems and a translator that converts models of conventional (non-anticipatory) systems into those of anticipatory systems in the weak sense. The systematic algorithmization leads the authors to recognizing some formal properties that could be viewed in a rather natural way for the anticipatory systems in the weak sense and that could be automatically converted into simulation models implemented on computer. The formal properties, i.e. certain concepts of system analysis and their professional names are presented in this paper.


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Bibliographical reference

Eugene Kindler, Ivan Křivỳ and Alain Tanguy, « Object-Oriented System Analysis of Anticipatory Systems in Weak Sense », CASYS, 14 | 2004, 271-285.

Electronic reference

Eugene Kindler, Ivan Křivỳ and Alain Tanguy, « Object-Oriented System Analysis of Anticipatory Systems in Weak Sense », CASYS [Online], 14 | 2004, Online since 30 August 2024, connection on 20 September 2024. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=2686


Eugene Kindler

Ostrava University Faculty of Sciences CZ - 701 03 Ostrava, Dvorakova 7 , Czech Republic

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Ivan Křivỳ

Ostrava University Faculty of Sciences CZ - 701 03 Ostrava, Dvorakova 7 , Czech Republic

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Alain Tanguy

LIMOS CNRS UMR 6158, University Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand Complexe scientifique des Cézeaux, F - 63177 Aubière, France

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