Time Slows Down in Nows Deprived of Their Anticipatory Faculty
p. 85-98
Our present, which includes both our memory of the past and our anticipation of the future, consists of nested Nows which, on every nesting level, host both retentions and protentions (memory of the past and anticipation of the future). These nested Nows form our observer participant perspective. The degree of attention given to retentions and protentions in our current Nows determines whether our temporal perspective, which is generated by the superposition of nested Nows, focusses more on the past or on the future. Several correlations are described between the balance of retentions and protentions in the Now, perceived temporal speed, temporal dimensions generated, compatibility between levels of description, the observer's mood and perspective and his Now's anticipatory faculty. The common denominator which links these is our nesting speed, i.e., the rate at which we generate Δtdepth.
Bibliographical reference
Susie Vrobel, « Time Slows Down in Nows Deprived of Their Anticipatory Faculty », CASYS, 21 | 2008, 85-98.
Electronic reference
Susie Vrobel, « Time Slows Down in Nows Deprived of Their Anticipatory Faculty », CASYS [Online], 21 | 2008, Online since 29 August 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=2579
Susie Vrobel
The Institute for Fractal Research, Ernst-Ludwig-Ring 2, 61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany