Phasors and Didactic Knowledges Mapping

p. 277-295


From the analogy between the well known structures of the phasors and quaternions, it is shown that the topological configurations improve the operational storage of recorded Information and Signs as well as the chains of Tasks and Actions.

From the "Discrete Fourier Transformation" and the deduced "DiscreteWavelet Transformation", we can underline the strategical role of the "Phasors" and the "Quaternions" in the detection and in the storage of every signal. From these dynamical processes it is possible to use similar modifications for configurating the "Memory or Knowledges Spaces" to reach a common convivial performative presentation.

Besides we point out the high frequent use of circular topologies in our behaviours : since the automations procedures with their adjusting loops, the "Time Sharing" working of computers and the management of sendings and receptions of messages and alike the handling of simultaneous tasks, for reaching the present insertion of the "roundabouts" in our vehicles traffic.

Specific advantages of these circular configurations are pointed out.

Due to the fact that the phasors, which are rotating complex planes, are well adapted for an easy description of the rotations, they are performative tools, for treating every circular distributions (for recording and retrieval of "Info"). We have to remind these ones when we need the elaboration of operational planifications as well as for the forecasting of rational behaviours and actions. Indeed the rotations are the most simple periodic movements whose orthogonal projections tranlate the sinusoidal and cosinusoidal vibrations and conseqently they constitute the basic useful referentials for analyzing every periodic evolution. By observing our whole surrounding we obviously state that everything has a limited variation and conseguently cyclically behaves ;what is logically unmissing because we must live, think and work during and along linite domains. From these previous considerations we have to deduce that every recorded phenomenon can always be described and explained like a periodic one or for the least as a "periodisable or pseudoperiodic" one (without any repetition) and so they may be all considered as circular isomorphic dynamics.

Besides these angular allocations allow to reach a high grade of perception for the dealt topics because they intrinsically dispose of a set of many various directions for graphically translating the infuences of the causal parameters.


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Bibliographical reference

Jean Alphonse Doucet, « Phasors and Didactic Knowledges Mapping », CASYS, 6 | 2000, 277-295.

Electronic reference

Jean Alphonse Doucet, « Phasors and Didactic Knowledges Mapping », CASYS [Online], 6 | 2000, Online since 07 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Jean Alphonse Doucet

Haute Ecole Rennequin Sualem, Département Ingénieurs Industriels, Province de Liège, Quai Gloesener 6, B-4020 Liège, Belgique

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