Power of the Nets in Algorithmic

p. 338-352


From the observation of the intrinsic properties of the nets, it seems advantageous to introduce their use in a lot of additional various domains to elaborate and understand easily the interactive dynamical sEuctures. Nodes and edges, net components, are well suited to display the influences or exchanges between objects, topics and departments.

Consequently they bring a synoptic help for the development of regulated systems and for increasing the efficiency of the data banks. The flow driving between sender nodes and receiver ones permits to detect a strict functional parallelism between algorithms and nets. The polar configuration of nets is also useful for displaying the nodal functional hierarchy.


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Bibliographical reference

Jean Alphonse Doucet, « Power of the Nets in Algorithmic », CASYS, 12 | 2002, 338-352.

Electronic reference

Jean Alphonse Doucet, « Power of the Nets in Algorithmic », CASYS [Online], 12 | 2002, Online since 17 July 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=1849


Jean Alphonse Doucet

Haute Ecole Rennequin Sualem, Département Ingénieurs Industriels, Province de Liège, Quai Gloesener 6 B-4020 Liège

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