The Unification of Sciences in Scientia Generalis of Leibniz
Where a Science is the Metascience of its Immediate Successor in an Arborescent Structure Ascending – Converging, Respectively Descending – Diverging
p. 127-145
The scientific concepts, notions and assertions are presented nowadays in an entropic and redundant manner which makes it difficult both their learning and their comprehension for the human brain, as well as impossible to be implemented in the Intelligent Systems, respectively in Artificial Intelligence.
In the dialectic logic this theory is completed, extending the axiom system by raising the true non-demonstrable proposition to the rank of an axiom and adding it to the other axioms. The change of axioms in an axiom system alters the meaning of predicates and the relations on the theory, the new theory becoming a metatheory in which a new true non-demonstrable proposition can be formulated.
Thus, it is possible to develop a sequence of methateories each representing a relative truth possible to replace by a larger relative truth situated on a higher step.
The analysis of the dynamics of this type of propositions facilitates the elaboration of the basis of universal knowledge similar to human brain and creates the possibility of developing the general science, meant to comprise the principles of scientific thinking of all sciences, named by Leibniz « Scientiag eneralis ».
In the paper, the knowledge basis is considered n-dimensional topological space, on which geometry can be defined and within it the concepts of open set and contact neighbourhood, frontier,continuity and topological transformation are operand. The metric space of the knowledge basis should not be limited only to the level of forms detected in the real space but to that of notions.
The information stored in the knowledge basis must by organised in sets or classes ; the totality of classes forms the knowledge basis or the reference structure of intelligent systems.
The paper establishes the relational – propertational – objectual trimatricial generalised model of the knowledgde domain organised in bodies of concepts and sets of assertions. Being integrated into the methodological strategy structuralism, the paper introduces the concepts of synchronic and diachronic relations underlying interferences and syllogisms in order to explicit the definibility and deductibility connections between the concepts and assertions of theories.
Bibliographical reference
Ion I. Miriță, « The Unification of Sciences in Scientia Generalis of Leibniz », CASYS, 6 | 2000, 127-145.
Electronic reference
Ion I. Miriță, « The Unification of Sciences in Scientia Generalis of Leibniz », CASYS [Online], 6 | 2000, Online since 18 June 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Ion I. Miriță
University of Petrosani, Str. Universitatii nr.20 Petrosani, ROMANIA