Pure Hyperanticipation for 2000 Risky Neighbourhoods
p. 61-79
Distinctions are visualizable in three and more dimensions with « Mathematica » functions. The concept for rendering multiple dimensions is explained by comparing the board used for playing chess on one side and on the other side Yijing a traditional divination from China. The proposed re-ordering of coordinates and sets of data can support individual and participative evaluations of choices with or without net infrastructure. Planar representation of superimposed dimensions generate neighbourhoods which can be turned into meeting points for fast_feedback. Conflicts may thus be managed by dividing or re-unting original alliances about sublevel issues. Non-observation of causes or effects is conceptually included as well as some fuel-reduction for dogmatic conflicts. A simple reinterpretation of the dial on an analog watch may help to explain this.
Bibliographical reference
Michael F. Schreiber, « Pure Hyperanticipation for 2000 Risky Neighbourhoods », CASYS, 4 | 1999, 61-79.
Electronic reference
Michael F. Schreiber, « Pure Hyperanticipation for 2000 Risky Neighbourhoods », CASYS [Online], 4 | 1999, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=993
Michael F. Schreiber
Department of Marketing, University for Economics and Business Administration, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien