Determinism and Chaos : A Time Perspective

p. 3-10


Chaos cannot be understood without constant reference to time. A better understanding of the 3 main abstractions that we use in relation to time (Past, Present and Future) is of basic importance. However chaos is mostly significant for our evaluation of future events: any hope for rigorously deterministic forecasting is not anymore realistic. But in any case, the chaotic crimps into general determinism do not destroy it utterly, because no event totally escapes from the structural and functional coherence of the system in which it occurs. Moreover, in complex systems, hierarchized levels of organization imply a hierarchy of determinisms and the most global ones impose some constraints upon the lesser ones. This leads to adaptability within coherence. An arithmetic model is proposed and some historic and present examples are given. As a final caveat, the uses but also the possible abuses ofthe concep ofchaos are discussed.


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Bibliographical reference

Charles François, « Determinism and Chaos : A Time Perspective », CASYS, 5 | 2000, 3-10.

Electronic reference

Charles François, « Determinism and Chaos : A Time Perspective », CASYS [Online], 5 | 2000, Online since 07 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Charles François

Argentine Association for Systems and Cybenetics LibertadT42 1640 Martinez Argentina

By this author


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