Stability in Delayed and Anticipatory Systems of Applied Mechanics
p. 199-210
In applied mechanics several papers concentrate on the comparison of delayed and non-delayed approaches of controlled machines. We may study both continuous and discrete time systems, by using both numeric and analytic methods. These analytic methods are from the qualitative theory of differential equations like Lyapunov's indirect method, or the use of monodromy operator of discrete mappings and the basic bifurcation theory. The principal points of interest in the following work are how continuous time system differs from its representation as some discrete time system in stability and robustness and how the discretisation of a continuous time subsystem acts on the stability properties of the coupled system.
Bibliographical reference
Peter B. Béda, « Stability in Delayed and Anticipatory Systems of Applied Mechanics », CASYS, 30 | 2014, 199-210.
Electronic reference
Peter B. Béda, « Stability in Delayed and Anticipatory Systems of Applied Mechanics », CASYS [Online], 30 | 2014, Online since 14 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Peter B. Béda
HAS-BUTE Research Group on Dynamics of Machines and Vehicles, Budapest University of Technology, Müegyetem rkp.1-3. H-1111 Budapest, Hungary