The Importance of Anticipation in Kantrs Philosophy

p. 74-85


This paper attempts to follow the thread formed by anticipation in Kant's general philosophy, and in particular in his theoretical philosophy, in order to tease out the precise meaning of the notion. Particular attention is given to the finiteness of the subject, the notion of teleology, Kant's peculiar account of pure interest and the way in which these notions are interwoven. This serves to clarify the peculiar status of anticipation as a primarily subjective activity, based on finiteness and subjective engagement. Furthermore, an attempt is made to gain insight in the way a subject capable of anticipation is structured and the way it is related to its own structure.


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Bibliographical reference

Boris Demarest, « The Importance of Anticipation in Kantrs Philosophy », CASYS, 23 | 2010, 74-85.

Electronic reference

Boris Demarest, « The Importance of Anticipation in Kantrs Philosophy », CASYS [Online], 23 | 2010, Online since 14 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Boris Demarest

Centre for Critical Philosophy, University of Ghent, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Ghent, Belgium

By this author


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