Interactive Vertex Coloring of Polyhedral Graphs

p. 57-66


The author has developed an interactive learning system of polyhedra, based on graph operations and simulated elasticity potential method, mainly for educational purpose. In this paper, we introduce a learning subsystem of vertex colouring, edge colouring, and face colouring, based on minimum spanning tree and degenerated polyhedron.


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Bibliographical reference

Hidetoshi Nonaka, « Interactive Vertex Coloring of Polyhedral Graphs », CASYS, 28 | 2014, 57-66.

Electronic reference

Hidetoshi Nonaka, « Interactive Vertex Coloring of Polyhedral Graphs », CASYS [Online], 28 | 2014, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :


Hidetoshi Nonaka

Graduate School of lnformation Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, N14W9, Sapporo 060 0814, Japan

By this author


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