Perceptions that Perceive Themselves – A Mathematical Schema

p. 33-51


It is shown how some aspects of consciousness (can be structured mathematically. This is based on the category of artificial perceptions, that has been conceived and proposed as an infrastructure for a theory of AI processes, and as a high level AI architecture. This unified theoretical standard has already been shown to enable a rigorous interweaving and integration of various intelligent capabilities, and in this paper self reflective capabilities are also integrated into the schema.


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Bibliographical reference

Zippora Arzi-Gonczarowski, « Perceptions that Perceive Themselves – A Mathematical Schema », CASYS, 8 | 2001, 33-51.

Electronic reference

Zippora Arzi-Gonczarowski, « Perceptions that Perceive Themselves – A Mathematical Schema », CASYS [Online], 8 | 2001, Online since 27 June 2024, connection on 20 September 2024. URL :


Zippora Arzi-Gonczarowski

Typographies, Ltd. Jerusalem, Israel


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