Modelling and Computing of Anticipatory Embedded System : Application to the Solar System (Speed of Light)

p. 132-156


In this paper, I expose a new idea based on a fundamental movement of doubling in the three-dimensional space. The resulting theory and equation allow us to understand the constitution of any micro or macroscopic system (atomic, molecular, solar, galactic,...) that is always an anticipatory system. An application to the solar system justifies the theory and explains the whys and wherefores of the speed of light.


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Bibliographical reference

Jean-Pierre Garnier-Malet, « Modelling and Computing of Anticipatory Embedded System : Application to the Solar System (Speed of Light) », CASYS, 2 | 1998, 132-156.

Electronic reference

Jean-Pierre Garnier-Malet, « Modelling and Computing of Anticipatory Embedded System : Application to the Solar System (Speed of Light) », CASYS [Online], 2 | 1998, Online since 28 June 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Jean-Pierre Garnier-Malet


By this author


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