The Gap From Scientific System Approach Down To Industrial Power Plant Control Engineering

p. 50-77


The aim of this paper is to highlight some process control competitiveness deposits to improve process control engineering. Rationale scientific foundations should be a significant contribution to improve process control of the future. To anticipate control systems through control engineering, we focus our interest in the definition of process control requirements and the definition of perennial control and document requirements, whatever the implementation into oFthe-shelves I&C devices should be.


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Bibliographical reference

Dominique Galara and Jean Pierre Hennebicq, « The Gap From Scientific System Approach Down To Industrial Power Plant Control Engineering », CASYS, 2 | 1998, 50-77.

Electronic reference

Dominique Galara and Jean Pierre Hennebicq, « The Gap From Scientific System Approach Down To Industrial Power Plant Control Engineering », CASYS [Online], 2 | 1998, Online since 28 June 2024, connection on 20 September 2024. URL :


Dominique Galara

Electricité de France - Research and Development Department, Power Plant Control Branch, 6, quai Watier, BP 49, 78401 Chatou, Cedex, France

Jean Pierre Hennebicq

Electricité de France - Generation and Transmission Division, Hydro and Fossil fuel plant Operation, 34-40, rue Henri Regnault, Paris La Défense, France


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