Surmounting the Cartesian Cut: Torsion, Klein Bottle, Stereochemistry, the Bio mechanics of the Cell Splitter in Embryogenesis and Bauplans

p. 225-256


We introduce the Klein Bottle logophysics at the foundations of biology - in particular cell biology - and stereochemistry, and discuss its bearing in biomembranes and quantum torsion tensegrity structure for cell biology, proposing a unified logophysics paradigm integrating topological chemistry - in particular biochemical recognition, and cell biology. We apply this paradigm to the differentiation waves in embryogenesis. We present a quantum geometry tensegrity model for the cell splitter, proposing a codification of the embryological differentiation in terms of the Klein Bottle Logic of the genetic code. We propose a new understanding to evolution in terms of the HyperKlein Bottle.


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Bibliographical reference

Diego Lucio Rapoport, « Surmounting the Cartesian Cut: Torsion, Klein Bottle, Stereochemistry, the Bio mechanics of the Cell Splitter in Embryogenesis and Bauplans », CASYS, 29 | 2014, 225-256.

Electronic reference

Diego Lucio Rapoport, « Surmounting the Cartesian Cut: Torsion, Klein Bottle, Stereochemistry, the Bio mechanics of the Cell Splitter in Embryogenesis and Bauplans », CASYS [Online], 29 | 2014, Online since 30 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Diego Lucio Rapoport

Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina


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