Holoinformational Consciousness: An Extension of Interactive Dualism with Anticipatory Parameters

p. 314-330


The authors propose a quantum-informational holographic model of brain consciousness-universe interactions based on the holonomic neural networks of Karl Pribram, the holographic quantum theory of David Bohm, and the non-locality property of the quantum field described by Hiroomi Umezawa. We consider this model an extension of the interactive dualism of Sir John Eccles. His ideas of an interconnection between brain and spirit by means of quantum microsites (dendrons and psychons), has deeply influenced the development of our conception of consciousness. We propose a dynamic concept of consciousness, a holoinformational flux interconnecting holonomic informational quantum brain dynamics, with the quantum informational holographic nature of the universe.


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Bibliographical reference

Francisco Di Biase and Richard L. Amoroso, « Holoinformational Consciousness: An Extension of Interactive Dualism with Anticipatory Parameters », CASYS, 22 | 2008, 314-330.

Electronic reference

Francisco Di Biase and Richard L. Amoroso, « Holoinformational Consciousness: An Extension of Interactive Dualism with Anticipatory Parameters », CASYS [Online], 22 | 2008, Online since 08 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=3740


Francisco Di Biase

Santa Casa Hospital & Clinica Di Biase, Barra do Pirai, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Richard L. Amoroso

By this author


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