"S.T.E.C." Space-Time_Energy-Consciousness
The Paradox in Model Making
p. 335-350
Models exist in many forms; many of these go beyond the level of words, or communicable systems. The recognition of models goes even beyond what we consciously know. The basis of modelling can be sought in Languaging, as many authors have done (Grinder & Bandier, 1975). They can even be identified in the dynamic organisation of our neurones, as more recent work has shown (Maturana & Varela, 1980). That being the case, the inherent cross-interaction of the models we make, and the system in which we make them, is an issue to be considered. It calls for an understanding of our body (and neurones) not as a computing machine, but as information processor in a more 'rarefied' (and extended) sense than science can yet show, within the limitations that Cultural Consensus imposes. As long as these human limits to human-made models are ignored, we can't get beyond to perceive reality as it is: our models, conditioning our mind, will be (culturally conditioned) unconsciously in our way. This paper proposes reconsideration from first principles, by showing a relationship between Space, Time, Energy and Consciousness which help to get to the basis of the models we make, beyond the forms they can take.
systems, integration, languaging, psychologies, topologies, biologies, embryologies, structuresText
Bibliographical reference
Otto Van Nieuwenhuijze, « "S.T.E.C." Space-Time_Energy-Consciousness », CASYS, 7 | 2000, 335-350.
Electronic reference
Otto Van Nieuwenhuijze, « "S.T.E.C." Space-Time_Energy-Consciousness », CASYS [Online], 7 | 2000, Online since 26 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=3708
Otto Van Nieuwenhuijze
144-II Govert FlinckStraat, 1072 EN, Amsterdam, the Netherlands