Self-Organising Software Infrastructures : EgoMorphic BIM Model

p. 372-384


The paper present a Biomimetic Morphogenetic model of self-organising software infrastructures that uses the egomorphic agents representing conjugate variables embedded in a network. In the proposed model, a conceptual purpose is projected into the self-organising network where nodes are associated with a characteristic variable (force) and at its edges - a dual variable (flux). In the proposed model, the convergent Projection Operator computes the sources of the force by which the sources of the flux and the divergent part that diffuse the flux in the network are computed. The sources of the forces and fluxes can be used to model the network infrastructure context. The dual sources are the tensor dual basis for vectors in non-Euclidean space while the Projection Operator is used to model a biomimetic system. The concept of Egomorphic Agents is used to define a conceptual scheme for modeling biomimetic and allometric software infrastructures.


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Bibliographical reference

Zenon Chaczko and Germano Resconi, « Self-Organising Software Infrastructures : EgoMorphic BIM Model », CASYS, 21 | 2008, 372-384.

Electronic reference

Zenon Chaczko and Germano Resconi, « Self-Organising Software Infrastructures : EgoMorphic BIM Model », CASYS [Online], 21 | 2008, Online since 07 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Zenon Chaczko

University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

By this author

Germano Resconi

Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita Cattolica, Brescia, Italy


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