Is Special Relativity Logically Prior to Quantum Mechanics?
p. 215-228
Special Relativity uses Einstein's two postulates to derive the Lorentz transformation, setting the stage for the Minkowski Spacetime that informs the dynamics of massive particles. How massive particles extract information from spacetime is not specified. We propose a method of specification in a simple two dimensional model that enforces Lorentz covariance by a local rule of preserving spacetime area. The model agrees with the canonical spacetime prescription on large scales but on small scales has the advantage that a particle's mass is evident in the fine-scale geometry of its world-line. This has the interesting feature that quantum propagation arises as a consequence of special relativity.
Bibliographical reference
Garnet N. Ord, « Is Special Relativity Logically Prior to Quantum Mechanics? », CASYS, 25 | 2010, 215-228.
Electronic reference
Garnet N. Ord, « Is Special Relativity Logically Prior to Quantum Mechanics? », CASYS [Online], 25 | 2010, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Garnet N. Ord
Mathematics Dept., Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada