The Numbers of Nature's Code

p. 160-175


Assuming that Nature is described by a universal rewrite system and operates according to a process that we can refer to as Nature's code, we define certain numbers as being crucial indicators of how the code operates, whether in biology, chemistry or physics. We also show how these numbers originate in the most extraordinarily simple way from two numbers which correspond to the two distinct processes - conserve and create - within the system which can in tum be related to the properties of duality and anticommutativity. The numbers emerge in a number of distinct series which have distinct algebraic and geometrical representations. The geometrical structures translate easily from 3- to higher-dimensional representations, especially those of dimension 4 and 8, and also connect significantly with rotational symmetries and with Lie groups, up to E8. The fundamental particles of physics are a classic case of the operation of the number series, in which all the significant numbers are represented, and no others. The structure leads to a complete classification of fermions and bosons within an overall E8 representation. An almost parallel system emerges in the genetic code, leading to the processes of transcription and translation.


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Bibliographical reference

Vanessa Hill and Peter Rowlands, « The Numbers of Nature's Code », CASYS, 25 | 2010, 160-175.

Electronic reference

Vanessa Hill and Peter Rowlands, « The Numbers of Nature's Code », CASYS [Online], 25 | 2010, Online since 12 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Vanessa Hill

Nature's Code Foundation, 54 Hermitage Road, Kenley, Surrey CR8 5EB, UK

By this author

Peter Rowlands

Department of Physics, University of Liverpool, Oliver Lodge Laboratory, Oxford Street, Liverpool, L69 7ZE, UK

By this author


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