Biological Evolution Anticipates the Social Development towards Creative Society (In the View of Organized Systems Theory)
p. 23-39
Bio-theoretical analysis of the evolution of living systems on the basis of organized systems theory suggests that social development of the human beings is a succession towards the increasing technological creativity. The community of primates evolves from a creative individual through the creative social layer (creative class) towards the creative society. The creative class is a socioeconomic layer that is the key driving force for the economic development of post-industrial regions. The organized systems theory, based on the principle of the informational closed-loop coding-decoding control (CL-CDC), suggests that the creative class is only the first step to the new social formation - creative society, the society that specializes to generate information. The economic growth is only the production of resources for the generation of social information. Information could be understood as a phenomenon, which is completely different from matter and energy, since informational control determines the main property of the organized systems that is the ability to reduce entropy. The organized systems are immersed in the space of problems, which need to be solved, and information is a means to solve the problems. It controls the behavior of the organized systems. Both the living system and the social system could be understood as organized problem-solving systems. The living cell is the primary and the simplest organized system on the Earth based on genetic information, and genotype-phenotype duality. The essence of the evolution of the human society is the evolution of the brain-based information technology. The concept of CL-CDC as an approach to life and society on the basis of evolution of information technologies combines and extends the concepts of nomogenesis (Berg, 1922), noogenesis (Teilhard de Chardin, 1955), Lamarckian in the human evolution (Yeas, 1993), holistic Darwinism (Coming, 2005), technological singularity (Kurzweil, 2005), creative class (Florida, 2002-2008) and converting NBIC(Nano-Bio-lnfo-Cogno) technologies. Biological evolution enables us to anticipate social evolution towards creative society.
Bibliographical reference
Dobilas Kirvelis, « Biological Evolution Anticipates the Social Development towards Creative Society (In the View of Organized Systems Theory) », CASYS, 25 | 2010, 23-39.
Electronic reference
Dobilas Kirvelis, « Biological Evolution Anticipates the Social Development towards Creative Society (In the View of Organized Systems Theory) », CASYS [Online], 25 | 2010, Online since 11 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Dobilas Kirvelis
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Vilnius University, M.K.Ciurlionio 21/27, LT-03101 Vilnius, Lithuania