Husserl vs. Derrida? Intermittent Critical Finite Automation through Second Person Self-Differential Reference

p. 137-148


We present a single non-cellular finite automaton (FA) model exhibiting intermittency and criticality in a simple self-referential dynamics. Because of the correspondence of non-deterministic and deterministic FA to first and third person description, we can say that the model's dynamics is dialogue with oneself in second person. It gives rise to self-organizing behavior that is intermittent and critical. It is argued that the model is a scientific realization of deconstruction by Jacques Derrida.


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Bibliographical reference

Tatsuji Takahashi, « Husserl vs. Derrida? Intermittent Critical Finite Automation through Second Person Self-Differential Reference », CASYS, 24 | 2010, 137-148.

Electronic reference

Tatsuji Takahashi, « Husserl vs. Derrida? Intermittent Critical Finite Automation through Second Person Self-Differential Reference », CASYS [Online], 24 | 2010, Online since 08 October 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :


Tatsuji Takahashi

Division of Information System Design, School of Science and Technology, Tokyo Denki University, Hatoyama, Hiki, Saitama 350-0394, Japan

By this author


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