Software Evolution Principles Applied to a Real Case: Process Information Management in a Nickel Factory

p. 383-394


Maintenance is considered on many tendencies as part of a wider discipline called Software Evolution. The formal and well defined concepts provided by this discipline permit accomplishing software maintenance in a consistent and reliable way. This work is based on three foundations for evolution: an architecture, a set of mechanisms and models, and the concept of parametrizable system; and it describes the application of these concepts to a real system at the Cuban "Ernesto Che Guevara" Nickel Factory in order to automates part of its maintenance.


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Bibliographical reference

Raul E. Menéndez Mora, Mauro M. Garcia Pupo, Nuria Medina Medina and Marcelino Cabrera Cuevas, « Software Evolution Principles Applied to a Real Case: Process Information Management in a Nickel Factory », CASYS, 20 | 2008, 383-394.

Electronic reference

Raul E. Menéndez Mora, Mauro M. Garcia Pupo, Nuria Medina Medina and Marcelino Cabrera Cuevas, « Software Evolution Principles Applied to a Real Case: Process Information Management in a Nickel Factory », CASYS [Online], 20 | 2008, Online since 03 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Raul E. Menéndez Mora

Universidad de Holguin, Cuba

Mauro M. Garcia Pupo

Universidad de Holguin, Cuba

Nuria Medina Medina

Universidad de Granada, Spain

Marcelino Cabrera Cuevas

Universidad de Granada, Spain


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