Modelling and Effect of Anticipation and Perseverance in Human Behaviour

p. 123-138


Darwin's basic postulates for surviving are willpower and speed. These two characteristics will be demonstrated firstly for a single person in the autonomous state with regard to his self-realization. Self-realization is the ultimate goal of a living being. Secondly, and more important, it will be demonstrated how the individual characteristics evolve in a partnership of two persons. It is a fact that a person does not lose his individual characteristics when he enters a relationship (The leopard cannot change his spots). But his characteristics dissolve into the partnership. The partnership shows its own feature, depending on the individual partners' characteristics and the specific information exchanged between the two constituents. Such exchange happens unconsciously and consciously. The partners' self-realization becomes dependent on the partnership's character as a whole.


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Bibliographical reference

Rudolf Starkermann, « Modelling and Effect of Anticipation and Perseverance in Human Behaviour », CASYS, 13 | 2002, 123-138.

Electronic reference

Rudolf Starkermann, « Modelling and Effect of Anticipation and Perseverance in Human Behaviour », CASYS [Online], 13 | 2002, Online since 07 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Rudolf Starkermann


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