Mandate Game : Model of Anticipation Exchange and Decision-Making
p. 249-260
What types of organization structure are optimal, if cooperative acts must be achieved ? For resolving this problem, we introduced a game modeling characteristics of organizations, inspired by well-known ecoromist K. J. Arrow in "The Limits of Organization". In this game, each agent gives a mandate to an adviser about his right for decision-making. He tells the adviser his fragments of an anticipation about cooperative acts. The advisers decide act of the agents who gave the mandate to him. The agents get a reward that was calculated by a distance from an optimal act. We used genetic algorithm for dynamics of this game. The network structures of delivering mandates between agents have evolved through three phases : 1) disconnected phase 2) connected phase 3) hub agent phase. Finally, we briefly discussed more abstract model that relates to anticipatory system formulation.
Bibliographical reference
Asaki Nishikawa, « Mandate Game : Model of Anticipation Exchange and Decision-Making », CASYS, 21 | 2008, 249-260.
Electronic reference
Asaki Nishikawa, « Mandate Game : Model of Anticipation Exchange and Decision-Making », CASYS [Online], 21 | 2008, Online since 30 August 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Asaki Nishikawa
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Faculty of Science, Kobe University, Nada, Kobe, 657, Japan