SCORE: designing and implementing BDI Agents with the use of interactive computer games as simulation environments
p. 243-258
The use of games as testbeds for research projects in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) field is a tradition. Some classic board and card games such as Go, Chess and Checkers were and are extensively used. However, AI researchers are beginning to explore the use of real-time interactive computer games in their research, making this an interesting field to experiment and explore. This paper presents the SCORE project (Simulator for COgnitive agent's behavioR), where we use a Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) agent specification formalism called X-BDI, applied to a game environment called, Unreal Toumament (UT). This paper also presents some aspects regarding AI and agent technology applied to interactive computer games, with emphasis in the application of cognitive agent modelling applied to game characters
Bibliographical reference
Leonardo Sewald Cunha and Lucia Maria Martins Giraffa, « SCORE: designing and implementing BDI Agents with the use of interactive computer games as simulation environments », CASYS, 14 | 2004, 243-258.
Electronic reference
Leonardo Sewald Cunha and Lucia Maria Martins Giraffa, « SCORE: designing and implementing BDI Agents with the use of interactive computer games as simulation environments », CASYS [Online], 14 | 2004, Online since 08 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Leonardo Sewald Cunha
Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul - Programa de Pos-Graduaçao em Ciência da Computaçao (PPGCC/PUCRS) Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - 90610-900 - Porto Alegre - RS – Brazil
Lucia Maria Martins Giraffa
Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul - Programa de Pos-Graduaçao em Ciência da Computaçao (PPGCC/PUCRS) Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - 90610-900 - Porto Alegre - RS – Brazil