Descartesian Mechanics: The Fourth Generalization of Newton's Mechanics
p. 178-193
The fourth generalization of Newton's Mechanics is considered. The oriented material point became a principle object for the study, while in Newton mechanics it was just a point. The space-time in new mechanics is represented by l0 dimensional fibre bundle, where 4 translational coordinates form base and 6 anholonomic angular - a fibre. The principle consequence of the new mechanics is the connection between the general relativity theory and quantum mechanics. In non relativistic approach it is possible to establish the theoretical foundation of "jet like motion without rejection of mass". This conclusion was verified by experimental results with 4-D Gyroscope.
Bibliographical reference
Gennady Shipov, « Descartesian Mechanics: The Fourth Generalization of Newton's Mechanics », CASYS, 19 | 2006, 178-193.
Electronic reference
Gennady Shipov, « Descartesian Mechanics: The Fourth Generalization of Newton's Mechanics », CASYS [Online], 19 | 2006, Online since 23 August 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Gennady Shipov
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