Virtual Data Models in Anticipatory System of Railway Transportation

p. 135-145


The application of Data Warehouse technologies allows constructing the set of prediction models of the railway transportation on the basis of the huge amount of the accumulated data. The big size of the disk space is necessary for these models allocation, therefore the method of the virtual data models is offered. The period of life of the created models is not limited in time, they do not influence the real data, and they do not occupy the place on the storage devices. The examined virtual data models are developed within the frames of the creation of the Decision Support System of Latvian Railway. However the received results have a universal character.


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Bibliographical reference

Eugene Kopytov and Vasilijs Demidovs, « Virtual Data Models in Anticipatory System of Railway Transportation », CASYS, 19 | 2006, 135-145.

Electronic reference

Eugene Kopytov and Vasilijs Demidovs, « Virtual Data Models in Anticipatory System of Railway Transportation », CASYS [Online], 19 | 2006, Online since 22 August 2024, connection on 20 September 2024. URL :


Eugene Kopytov

Transport and Telecommunication Institute

Lomonosova Str.l, Riga, LV-1019, Latvia

Vasilijs Demidovs

State Join-Stock Company "Latvian Railway"

Turgeneva Str. 2l, Riga, LV-1547, Lavia


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