Topos for Foundations of Quantum Gravity and Spectral Sequences induced by Non-Discrete Systems
p. 125-134
The theory of temporal topos (or t-topos) gives a new definition for treating particlewave duality as one entity, i.e., as a presheaf over a Grothendieck site (generalized time category). The theory t-topos also gives a new definition of an entanglemet of particles providing a natural explanation of the EPR-type non-locality which is much simpler than the well established definition of entanglement given in terms of the Hilbert space decompositions and Hilbert space associated with the global quantum system (See, e.g., [AMS] for the definition.). The notion of generalized time is also discussed in [R.S]. For quantum gravity the theory called the t.g. relativistic principles of t-topos will be announced in [Topos'O4] based on the current project, [E.P.T.T] and [P.M.S.T].
Bibliographical reference
Goro Kato, « Topos for Foundations of Quantum Gravity and Spectral Sequences induced by Non-Discrete Systems », CASYS, 16 | 2004, 125-134.
Electronic reference
Goro Kato, « Topos for Foundations of Quantum Gravity and Spectral Sequences induced by Non-Discrete Systems », CASYS [Online], 16 | 2004, Online since 02 August 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Goro Kato
Mathematics Department
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
U. S. A.