A new Approach to Particles Interactions with Bosons Through Thermodynamics and Mechanics Arguments; Explanation of the Law of Lenz

p. 95-105


After a brief criticism of the paper of A. Einstein on the special theory of Relativity of 1905, we try to found this Theory on the smallest scale that can be studied through the use of the Equation of Continuity of Time. We set down the idea of continuity of time at the level of an elementary particle of matter related to an equation that is the basis of our work. We propose a new way to describe interactions between particles of matter and bosons of interaction, and we represent the four dimensional space-time of the particle in a simple way which logic is open to criticism, as all theory is restrained. We elaborate a two orders perturbation theory from which we deduce the mechanisms of the law of Lenz at the smallest scale. This deduction enables us to confirm the existence of the graviton as a boson of spin 2 responsible for the stability of charge of an elementary particle.


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Bibliographical reference

Emmanuel Chauvet, « A new Approach to Particles Interactions with Bosons Through Thermodynamics and Mechanics Arguments; Explanation of the Law of Lenz », CASYS, 16 | 2004, 95-105.

Electronic reference

Emmanuel Chauvet, « A new Approach to Particles Interactions with Bosons Through Thermodynamics and Mechanics Arguments; Explanation of the Law of Lenz », CASYS [Online], 16 | 2004, Online since 01 August 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=2346


Emmanuel Chauvet

Laboratoire de Physique Théorique Fondamentale de Paris

23 boulevard Bessières, F-75017 Paris (France)


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