Anticipatory Psychological Model of European University

p. 258-276


There are many problems met, using NIT : to prepare hypertext, adequate to the learners’ semantic and episodic memory, learning styles, to overcome the stress, associated with the time, using NIT, etc. Implementation of NIT makes new demands on teacher, changing relationships between teachers and learners, focus on learning, enlarged role of teachers as facilitators, changing locus of control from teacher to learner. Anticipatory model of European University, using NIT for lifelong Leaming in consists of the following components : the appearance and development of need of learning and development of motives of learning the development of psychological peculiarities of the teacher's personality and creation of adequate learning environments in the process of learning.


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Bibliographical reference

Danguolé Beresnevičienė, « Anticipatory Psychological Model of European University », CASYS, 18 | 2006, 258-276.

Electronic reference

Danguolé Beresnevičienė, « Anticipatory Psychological Model of European University », CASYS [Online], 18 | 2006, Online since 31 July 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Danguolé Beresnevičienė

Faculty of Education, Šiauliai University, P. Višinskio str. 25, Šiauliai, Lithuania

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