Transition to Innovative Company

the Case of Slovenia

p. 190-202


The common charactsistic of companies in the transition countries is that they attained competitiveness by low prices and not by new designs, a product innovation or new manufacturing methods. It was the reason that we investigated the current capabilities of Slovenian companies to reveal the major reasons for such situation. Taking into account the main obstacles for Slovenian companies to innovate we determine and describe the theoretical model which could facilitate the transition process of Slovenian companies to innovative companies.


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Bibliographical reference

Gabrijela Leskovar-Špacapan and Majda Bastic, « Transition to Innovative Company », CASYS, 15 | 2004, 190-202.

Electronic reference

Gabrijela Leskovar-Špacapan and Majda Bastic, « Transition to Innovative Company », CASYS [Online], 15 | 2004, Online since 30 July 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Gabrijela Leskovar-Špacapan

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Razlagova 14, 2000 Maribor

Majda Bastic

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Razlagova 14, 2000 Maribor

By this author


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