Economic and Law Conditions for Private Colleges Development in Post-Communist Countries

Polish Case Study

p. 164-173


This paper presents the economic and legal environment associated with the establishment and operation of non-state colleges in Poland. It discusses the principles guiding the setting up of non-state colleges in Poland and their current operating conditions. The Gdańsk Management College serves as an example of the process of establishment and development of a non-state college.


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Bibliographical reference

Marcin Geryk, « Economic and Law Conditions for Private Colleges Development in Post-Communist Countries », CASYS, 15 | 2004, 164-173.

Electronic reference

Marcin Geryk, « Economic and Law Conditions for Private Colleges Development in Post-Communist Countries », CASYS [Online], 15 | 2004, Online since 30 July 2024, connection on 20 September 2024. URL :


Marcin Geryk

Chancellor, Gdansk Management College, Poland


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