Computer Design of Mechanical Systems
p. 286-297
This paper shows an integrated computer aided approach to the modelling, simulation, automatic drawing and optimization of a typical mechanical devices. The computer model of a spring and a gear-box have been developed using the Powersim simulation software. With the use of the computer model of a device, the work of simulation is easily and precise. The results of the simulation should be then represented in form of drawing. Using AutoLISP language existing in AutoCAD software, special programs have been developed for automatic drawing of the devices. The designer can now anticipate the future results of his calculations and check the fitness of his decisions taking during the calculation and simulation process. Looking for an optimal solution, the designer can easy redesign the whole mechanical system this way that the device satisfies any optimization criterion applied.
Development of a computer model of a mechanical device makes the process of design and optimization easy, attractive and more precise.
Bibliographical reference
Wieslaw Switek and Tadeusz Majewski, « Computer Design of Mechanical Systems », CASYS, 9 | 2001, 286-297.
Electronic reference
Wieslaw Switek and Tadeusz Majewski, « Computer Design of Mechanical Systems », CASYS [Online], 9 | 2001, Online since 19 July 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :
Wieslaw Switek
Universidad de las Americas Puebla
Mechanical Engineering Department
72820 Puebla, Mexico
Tadeusz Majewski
Universidad de las Americas Puebla
Mechanical Engineering Department
72820 Puebla, Mexico