Systemic Approach to Distribution Law Analysing in Problems of Metrological Accuracy Assurance
p. 125-132
This article contains an original approach to the maintenance of objects metrological quality on an example of the measurements accuracy maintenance and assurance. The approach throws down a challenge to the usual practice of "classical" distribution laws application, using of which results in a methodical error, that frequently prevents to provide the metrological characteristics required. It is based on the probabilistic estimation of the parameters of random variables measurements with discrete and continuous "nature" providing information on the object under research. Proposed GANCO law generalizes some well-known laws of random variables distribution and uses analytical open models and simulation models which allow an adaptation to various objects with the purpose of the given metrological accuracy maintenance.
Bibliographical reference
N. A. Zhagora, A. N. Golovin and S. V. Kirpich, « Systemic Approach to Distribution Law Analysing in Problems of Metrological Accuracy Assurance », CASYS, 15 | 2004, 125-132.
Electronic reference
N. A. Zhagora, A. N. Golovin and S. V. Kirpich, « Systemic Approach to Distribution Law Analysing in Problems of Metrological Accuracy Assurance », CASYS [Online], 15 | 2004, Online since 17 July 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
N. A. Zhagora
Belarusian State Institute of Metrology, Starovilenski trakt, 93, 220053, Minsk, Belarus
A. N. Golovin
Belarusian State Institute of Metrology, Starovilenski trakt, 93, 220053, Minsk, Belarus
S. V. Kirpich
Belarusian State Institute of Metrology, Starovilenski trakt, 93, 220053, Minsk, Belarus