Theory of Outformation
p. 395-404
We know that in a society, in fact in all societies, information flows between humans and artificial or natural systems. In a scheme information about natural structures and nature can be termed natural infosystems, information about artificial man made systems can be termed artificial infosystems. The entire information in a society (A), such as knowledge in books, databases, that is all accessible information in the society (A) in its own langage together with the natural and artificial infosystems can be called the infoarchitecture of the society (A). The infoarchitecture of the society (A) plus information known to every individual (his/her own memory, experience, personal knowledge) and not presented in "printed" form can be called the outformation of the society (A). We can predict that outformation has its own structure and logics of processing.
Bibliographical reference
Jaomir Zly, « Theory of Outformation », CASYS, 12 | 2002, 395-404.
Electronic reference
Jaomir Zly, « Theory of Outformation », CASYS [Online], 12 | 2002, Online since 17 July 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Jaomir Zly
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