Human Resource Management for the 21st Century

p. 46-58


Human Resource Management (HRM) is concerned with the effective and efficient use of the organization's human resources. We cover the overall Human Resource Management function in our 7 R Structure with a focus on knowledge management and resourcing for organizational needs.

1. Recruitment

2. Renumeration and Rewards

3. Relations People

4. Relations Systems

5. Relations Corporate Communication

6. Retreat and Development

7. Research and Restructuring


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Bibliographical reference

Thomas Benesch and Xiulian Benesch, « Human Resource Management for the 21st Century », CASYS, 9 | 2001, 46-58.

Electronic reference

Thomas Benesch and Xiulian Benesch, « Human Resource Management for the 21st Century », CASYS [Online], 9 | 2001, Online since 17 July 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Thomas Benesch

Graz University of Technology

Department of General Management and Organisation

Kopernikusgasse 24

8010 Graz; Austria

Xiulian Benesch

Graz University of Technology

Department of General Management and Organisation

Kopernikusgasse 24

8010 Graz; Austria


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