Neural Network Modeling of Learning of Contextual Constraints on Adaptive Anticipations

p. 253-268


Anticipatory processes take into account of the contextual events occurring in the environment to anticipate probable upcoming events, and to select the best behavioral responses. The necessary knowledge for prediction of events adapted to context can be learned by classical associative conditioning, which allows associations between events occurring close in a sequence. Context can then correspond to events perceived in the environment as well as to the reinforcing valence of the event eliciting emotional states in the system, both orienting anticipations in memory. Knowledge for anticipation of adapted behaviors to context can be learned by operant reinforced conditioning, which allows associations between behaviors and reinforcing events in the environment, as a function of the reinforcing valence of the event (positive or negative). In this case the processing of a contextual event can select behavioral responses orienting the system to positive reinforcers rather than to negative reinforcers. An attractor neural network model is proposed to account for the different types of anticipatory processes presented as well as for the leaming principles of conditioning allowing adapted anticipations.


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Bibliographical reference

Frederic Lavigne and Sylvain Denis, « Neural Network Modeling of Learning of Contextual Constraints on Adaptive Anticipations », CASYS, 12 | 2002, 253-268.

Electronic reference

Frederic Lavigne and Sylvain Denis, « Neural Network Modeling of Learning of Contextual Constraints on Adaptive Anticipations », CASYS [Online], 12 | 2002, Online since 16 July 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Frederic Lavigne

Laboratoire de Psychologie Expérimentale et Quantitative, Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, 24 Avenue des Diables bleus, 06357 Nice Cedex 4, France

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Sylvain Denis

Laboratoire de Psychologie Expérimentale et Quantitative, Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, 24 Avenue des Diables bleus, 06357 Nice Cedex 4, France

By this author


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